The media review by Tagaday
What’s the use of a media review ?
To face the multiplication of information and its sources (traditional media: press, TV, radio but also social networks), the media review helps you follow your activities and market developments and eventually detect facts importants to your company or organization.
The media review: a day-to-day tool
Easy to read wherever you are, and available in all formats (PDF, mobile, RSS feeds, online). It is a valuable ally, both on a daily basis and in crisis situations.
Realise your own media review from the Tagaday platform
Establish your own media reviews from your surveys and files.
Define a suitable template for you by choosing its columns, layout and desired export format.
You release it directly to your target audience.
Your readers have access to an archive section secured by a code and password.
Your tailor-made media review
Tagaday creates your media review including usage rights… you no longer have to choose between reactivity and relevance.
Press review
With 400 milions indexed documents, Tagaday is the largest European media platform: press articles, press dispatches, biographies. Make the most of Tagaday expertise for your media reviews.
Tagaday ensures the results’ relevance
Select only the information that meet your expectations thanks to a set of filters. Our search functions provide quick and precise results on a whole set of data, ordered by relevance.
Media monitoring solutions
A lot of free media monitoring tools and alerts exist today that allow you to follow your company or organization news and major business topics.
As a rights-included-media monitoring provider of 30 years, Aday is an enrivalled media aggregator that offers practical and synthetic media monitoring tools such as the media report and the media review.
Print media monitoring
The Tagaday data base is enriched non stop and in real time with international and regional press articles, as well as with magazine articles, specialized press and editorial websites. This data base constitutes a press aggregator for all rights included contents. Enjoy all your press articles from 00h00.
Broadcast TV & radio stations
Tagaday ensures exhaustive and reactive tracking on your information: 390 TV and radio stations, 1700 hours of programs appended in real time every day. Our media service selects only daily subjects that interest you and rearrange them to match your keywords.
Web monitoring
Using keywords, Tagaday detects your information on more than 100 000 websites, blogs and forums. Compells of social media publishing are also available as threads and reports.